Monday, September 8, 2008

Some Shout-outs

Couple things I haven't mentioned - so I wanted to catch up on them.

First - both my sister and my sister-in-law had their babies - ON THE SAME DAY !! I got the call in the morning on my way to work that my s-i-l went into labor - and Evan Wayne was born the morning of August 26th. Then that evening I got a message from my father in Las Vegas that my sister had her baby - Isabella, Izzy for short.

They are both beautiful and we are so happy to be Aunts & Uncles again - 3 from my sister (2 boys / 1 girl) and 2 from my sister-in-law (1 boy/1 girl).

Second - I want to give a big shout out to my good friends Joe and Dave, and Dave's buddy Chris - as well as each one of their wives. FXAM had their annual golf outing this past weekend and these guys and gals all supported us by joining us in the golf outing and in the evening for dinner. Their support for us and for Hayden has been wonderful - and we thank them for helping FXAM in our mission to raise money for support and research. If I remember correct, the outing raised over $10,000 for FXAM - which is wonderful.

It was a perfect day for golf and the grilled steak dinner was great. We then all headed to a new local watering hole and enjoyed some music and dancing.

I think that's all I forgot.........for now :)

God Bless

1 comment:

Umma said...

I've just been staring at this post trying to connect the headline to the body of the took me an embarassingly long time to realize the title did not say "Some Shoot-outs." lol

WTG with the fundraising!