Ok well off of my mommy high. We as MOST families do colored Easter eggs. I soon realized this was the first time we colored Easter eggs with Hayden. Don't get me wrong it's not like Mike and I colored eggs without Hayden. We just have never colored eggs. So being a good mom I needed to figure out why I had failed my little boy and kept this fun from him. Well the first Easter he was just a few days old and I was not going to color Easter eggs with a 6 day old. What kind of mother does that. Last Easter we had just moved here and had not found our groove yet so I had a good excuse. The Easter's in between I Can't remember. So unfortunately it's just bad, neglectful mothering. I wanted to put a super cute picture of Hayden coloring eggs but I can't figure out why this high tech blog won't let me put more than one picture in it! I will have to consult my tech savvy husband and figure that out before the next post. If you want to see pics of Hayden coloring eggs go to facebook.
Once again this year we were invited to the Acree for Easter. We call the Acree's and their entire family our adopted family in Texas. I thank God for this adopted family and I hope they keep inviting us because we love them all and Hayden has the absolute best time! Deanna's mom reminds me so much of my mom sometimes when she is talking to me or Hayden I have to walk away cause I'm afraid I will cry. She made me the most beautiful cupcake theme wall hanging with our picture on it for my kitchen. Again I would post a pic but you know I can't figure this thing out go to FB. My mom sent Hayden the cutest plastic Easter eggs I have ever seen they were shaped like cars and trucks really cute. However I think my mom forgot we live in Texas and you really shouldn't send chocolate through the mail. I was quite smooshy...but nothing a few hours in the fridge can't fix! Easter was also the day I after 40 days was able to have chocolate again. Oh happy day!!!! So my wonderful husband got me a solid chocolate dove Easter bunny. Some day I will tell you all how much I hate cheap chocolate! Thank goodness Mike remembers this or their would have been a mommy tirade on Easter morning.
I really miss my family so much around the holidays especially. It was nice that my sister and Laila were here right before Easter so I got my family fix. My mom will be here in a few weeks (ticket booked) yay!!!!!! I don't say family is coming until that ticket is booked at that point it is okay to get excited.
Heartbreak....this morning we were getting ready for school and I asked Hayden if he was going to have a great day at school today. He thought for a few minutes his little face lit up and he asked if he was going to "see Nannie and Papa". It took everything I had not to cry. I just told him not today but Nannie would be here in few weeks. Thankfully that worked and we got in the car and went to school.
Cherish your family and spend as much time with them as you can! You will miss them when you can't or you move half way across the country. To my family back home in Michigan I love you so much and miss you terribly.
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