Saturday, January 10, 2009

FXAM Board of Directors

Been a busy day of posting to my blog.

I've just been notified that I have been chosen to sit on the Board of Directors of the Fragile X Association of Michigan as the Recording Secretary.

This is such a great honor. I'm very excited to be part of this group and look forward to doing whatever I can to help the organization and to make the 2010 International Conference a success.

P.S. This means hitting up alot of people for help and you have been forewarned !!!!

God Bless

Say Dada !

We have had such amazing progress in speech the past few weeks. Hayden just continues to try and talk and say so many words. Dada, Moma, Bebe (for Baylee our dog), yes, please, up, and so many other words he is trying to say. It's been truely amazing and wonderful to hear. We sit in the living room sometimes and just listen to him rattle things off - it's great.

Great strides in his physical strength too - walking up steps without holding onto anything. Seems like small stuff, but is a great accomplishment.

Alot of progress over the last few weeks - it's really great.

God Bless

Read My Lips And Puff Me Bud

You are probably thinking - what the heck does that mean. Well - on New Years Day my family lost a great Uncle Nick. He was a big guy with a big bark - but was a teddy bear at heart. I have so many great memories of my uncle. The times we shared going to Rocky movies, overnight trips to casino's in Mid Michigan, how he loved the NFL Draft and I would call him every draft day to see how the Lions did, and his famous saying "Read My Lips And Puff Me Bud".

Love you and Miss you Unc...God Speed.