I think I am going to be sick. I just scheduled our home study. This is really all starting to happen and fast! It's next week on Wednesday. We don't even have a week to corroborate our stories. Just kidding we don't need that WE ROCK!! I'm just gonna keep telling myself that...over and over again. For anyone who really knows me less than a week is just perfect. That way I won't spend weeks fretting and making myself a complete wreak. Mike is right now doing a happy dance. He only has to deal with my emotional mood swings over this issue for a very short period of time. It just hit me so hard. This is more than likely going to be the last summer of just Hayden and me. Why am I crying? I wanted this. We wanted this. At the classes we've been taking I've been talking with a lot of current families who are waiting to adopt the children they are fostering. It's such a waiting game. There are some really great stories and some that just make me so sad. I'm starting to get really nervous. I think it's mostly the unknown especially how Hayden is going to take all of this. How much time is this going to take away from him. I know it's going to be hard at first until we get into a rhythm and routine. I'm expecting that. I just hope Hayden will be ok. I think its hard cause there is really no way to prepare him. When you're pregnant you have months to get a child used to the idea and somewhat give them a heads up. We don't have that luxury. I have no idea how to explain all of this in a way that he will understand. I am sure he will do great. He always does. I always freak out and he handles it beautifully. So I am hoping and praying that this is no different.
Like I said before this is all happening so fast. We were denied in May, they told us we couldn't be foster parents. Then in June we got an email saying they wanted to work with us and it's been fast tracked ever since. So after going through all of the classes and figuring out a lot of the rules. There are as you all probably know a lot that I can't blog about. Like use real names or pictures so I either have to use just an initial or come up with a nickname. I'm really bummed that I can't put any picture up on this blog or on FB. I understand completely why and it makes perfect sense. I will be able as soon as we get permission to adopt. So bear with me while I figure all of that out.
This have been one exciting summer! July seem to be as of right now a little bit of breather. Nobody visiting and nothing on the calendar for the most part. I am going to take full advantage of it. I am looking forward to a month of nothing to do and no where to go. I'm just going to breathe and enjoy the next month. Because it's gonna get crazy again in August.
PS when did I become Mom and not mommy or mama? I'm not sure I really like it! Up until this week It was only occasionally that he called me mom. Huge "sigh" my baby is growing up very FAST before my eyes.